
We Are In This Together Covid Graphic 2020 1024x341.jpg

Dear Valued Customer:

TLC has always tried to be a different kind of service company, one that takes care of its people and the community. We’re in the people business. We are here to help you when you need us. Right now, we’re doing our part to help people during this challenging time in our community.  TLC has been working diligently to ensure the health and safety of our customers and our employees as we navigate the challenges facing our community with the Coronavirus (新型冠状病毒肺炎).

TLC remains open and ready to respond to our customers’ needs. We are committed to providing you with the same level of trusted and quality service you’ve come to expect from us. We will have plumbers and technicians available 24/7 if you need service. Our team will be able to respond to service requests as an essential service to the community.

We are committed to safely serving the needs of our customers and the community. Our technicians are taking extra precautions when serving our customers as outlined here:

  • For your safety and to minimize unnecessary personal contact, we’ve asked our technicians to stop shaking hands and to maintain about six feet of distance.
  • Our technicians will routinely sanitize their hands between every customer interaction. 另外, they will wipe off their iPads, tools and any other shared touchpoints between every appointment.
  • TLC has a robust time-off policy that allows our staff the flexibility to stay home when they are sick. We will require anyone who has recently traveled or is currently feeling ill to stay home. We will never send an unhealthy technician to your home.
  • Only critical staff continues to work at the office. All other employees have been working remotely and report directly to their job sites to maintain the social distancing recommendations outlined by the CDC. We will continue to minimize customer interaction as well. If we can fix the problem for your home from outside, we will not enter your home if we don’t need to.

I would like to thank you, our valued customers. Many of you have trusted TLC for many years to care for your home and business needs. We realize that we would not be here without you and your support. As we navigate these challenging times, please know that we are here for you and your families. We will do our best to continue to provide services at the highest standards. Your health and safety are very important to us. Thank you again for choosing TLC. I am confident that we will meet this challenge the same way we meet all other challenges.


Dale Armstrong
总统 & 首席执行官